In February I was lucky enough to head to Newfoundland for the week with The Playdates taking pictures and filming. It was an amazing time, but lots of driving. Here are some of my favorite images (taken with several different cameras).
On the ferry:
This is where I ended up sleeping (on the floor):
Exploring at 3:00am:
We arrive on the island:
Some quick trailer repairs:
This place was amazing:
Lots of driving means lots of sleeping:
We arrive at our condo in Cornerbrook, and the guys sort through their merch:
Off to get breakfast (Marble Mountain in the background):
Jordan aka Epic Merch Guy:
After the show, things got silly, here are some tame shenanigans:
We stopped for lunch in the middle of nowhere and had mooseburgers and a squeezebox lesson:
Getting close to St. John’s:
This was more gross than it looks:
Last day in St. John’s, about to drive 16 hours:
The ferry home:
Cape Breton:
Pit stop:
Ryker and his ninja like sleeping tactics, sleeping with both eyes open:
The home stretch, of course we get a snowstorm: